Links and Resources
Actor’s Equity Association Actors' Union
Backstage An online version of the popular paper
Blank Sheet Music Composers, download free music staff paper
Broadway Stars Up-to-date news on what’s going on in the business
Cast Album Database Musical Cast Album Database
Colony Music Great source for purchasing sheet music and recordings
Craigs List Buy or sell sheet music, cds, instruments, etc
Database of Broadway Shows Archive and database of every Broadway show
Database of Off-Broadway Shows Archive and database of every Off-Broadway show
Drama Book Shop Excellent site to purchase books and music
Internet Theatre Database Facts on cast lists, what theatre, when, song lists, for every Broadway show
Local 802 AFM Musicians Union
Lyrics and Libretti Collection of Musicals Lyrics and Libretti
Mollard Quality and inexpensive conductors' batons
Musical Heaven Very thorough source of theatre info and links
Musical Notes & More Guide to staffing and staging musicals
Playbill Current industry news
Rhyme Zone Great site for lyricists who need a quick rhyme
Sheet Music Plus Great source to download sheet music